Licence Agreement

1. Any and all copyright in Stock Designs and Custom Designs are due exclusively to Cobra Wrap Art and are protected pursuant to the Act of 04 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (uniform text in Journal of Laws of 31.05.2006 as amended), and the Customer enjoys the right to use Stock Designs and Custom Designs exclusively within the scope and according to the rules set forth in these Terms & Conditions.


2. Cobra Wrap Art gives its consent for the Authorized Reseller to use the Stock Design/Custom Design exclusively to wrap one vehicle. It means that the Authorized Reseller may, within the scope of conducted activity, perform the service of car wrapping with the use of the Stock Design/Custom Design only once. The Authorized Reseller has the right to print the Stock Design/Custom Design exclusively for the purpose referred to in this clause of the Terms & Conditions.


3. Irrespective of the right referred to in clause V.3 of the Terms & Conditions, the Authorized Reseller may resell the Stock Design, on a single time basis, at the retail price suggested at the website of the Online Shop or set the price individually.


4. The Authorized Reseller may modify the graphic design exclusively having obtained the acceptance of Cobra Wrap Art.


5. In case of Custom Designs carried out for a Customer other than the Authorized Reseller, Cobra Wrap Art gives the Customer its consent to use the Custom Design exclusively for the purpose of wrapping one vehicle. The Customer enjoys the right to print the Stock Design/Custom Design exclusively for the purpose referred to in this clause of the Terms & Conditions.

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Cobra Wrap Art