

We want to hear from you. If you have a question, comment or a suggestion, please use the form below to send us an email. We will respond as soon as we can. You can also email us at

Running a car wrapping service? Become our authorized reseller and start offering our world class car wrap designs to your clients. Create an account here.

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    Two offices – worldwide services

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    Lindengasse 56/18-19
    1070 Vienna

    +43 676 49 39 729


    ul. Powstancow Slaskich 140/2
    53-315 Wroclaw

    +43 676 49 39 729


    Does Cobra Wrap Art deal with car wrapping?

    No, Cobra Wrap Art deals, namely, with designing car wraps. Our offer includes stock designs and custom designs.

    Are stock designs universal?

    Our stock designs are designed in such a manner that they can be easily applied on any model of car. They require merely slight adjustments to be made, which shall not be a problem for a professional wrap shop.

    Where may I wrap the car?

    You can wrap your car in a professional wrap shop in your vicinity.

    Do we execute only car designs?

    We specialize in designing car wraps; however, we have the capacity to design a wrap for a boat or some other means of transport.

    May I purchase the stock design by my own?

    Stock designs may be purchased only via a professional wrap shop. If you are interested in wrapping your car with our stock design, contact us with the details of the wrap shop where you would like to wrap your car. Additionally, you may order, directly from us, a custom design created especially for you.

    Can stock designs be used many times?

    No, stock designs offered by us are subjected to a single license for wrapping one car only.

    How long does it take to create the Custom Wrap Design?

    The creation of a custom wrap design lasts on average 2 weeks.

    How can I pay for the graphics?

    You may pay for the graphics by your credit card or via PayPal.

    What is the format and size of the design?

    Due to the fact that cars are big objects, the level of detail and resolution of files is very important. That is why we deliver them in the form of curves and hi-res bitmaps.

    Can I modify Stock Car Design by myself?

    Stock designs may be modified by professional wrap shops. However, there is a possibility for scaling or deleting unwanted elements of the design e.g. inscription on the door etc.

    How can I become a reseller of Cobra Wrap Art?

    In order to become a reseller of Cobra Wrap Art you need to create an account here and successfully pass the verification process.


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    Your wrapping company

    Please upload your company registration document or an invoice which states that your business belongs to the car wrapping industry (maximum file size 5 MB).

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    Cobra Wrap Art